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Hey there!
This post is strictly for users to leave suggestions on what stories I should write, how I should adapt a story, what I can change about my writing and much more. Anything off-topic will be deleted.
Drop your suggestions below!
bully older brother(17-18) is mentally regressed by his little sister(7-8) to that of a baby girl who idolizes her “older sister” and their mom is part of it because she always wanted another girl~ (this process is gradual with him slowly picking up girly tendencies and finally becoming a baby girl) this is done hypnosis and magic and her ex girlfriend and bullies are her new babysitters taking this a chance to torture him and the stepdad that he hated and who hated him would now become her beloved daddy who still hated him he was mortified at the changes
this is permanent
and if too uncomfortable then up the ages to your desired level
While I’ve always loved the diaper/sissification machine stories, you seem not to regarding the diaper sissy maker 9000, but I do have an idea for something similar in treatment but different in theme:
A house, largely considered haunted, where it’s occupants had had an unusual kink-open “free love” cult which had started in the 70s before the occupants mysteriously disappeared. Outwardly the cult had appeared to be all beautiful women, but turns out it was largely occupied by a variety of sissies. Decades later our stories “hero” buys the house in the hopes of building a b&b, only to wake up one night and find they’re the captive plaything of the ghosts of those who once lived there and get subjected to a series of kinks and sissification treatments over the course of a very long night where, come morning, they will find themselves permanently changed with a dramatically altered, feminine body, large breasts, diaper dependent, permanent makeup, long hair, a silken pink wardrobe, restrained in a crib of a nursery dungeon he didn’t know existed under the basement full of all manner of kinky toys including a rocking horse with a horse dildo built into the seat, stuffed full of vibrating toys and ghostly cum/milk, and dreading what the next night will have in store as they drift off to sleep. Will he survive a week, or manage to escape while he still has the will to do so? That’s up to you. The ghosts could alternate between just manifesting parts of their forms and their full sissified/bimbofied bodies, pending on who and how many are handling him, and each one can be fitted towards different aspects of kink pending on where they were in the building between a sissy nurse, the “matron” who’d be the mote domineering mother figure, the French maid, and so on. Up to you.
Very interesting concept. I feel like I’ve read something similar before. It seems an integration of two abdl stories I’ve read before. I like it though, it’s naughteee. Might do it, might not. We’ll see. I have a lot of things already on the to-do list for stories and captions plus audios and commissions.
Also, it’s not that I don’t like diaper machine stories, it’s just some stories I lose interest in and some stories I am just wholly fascinated in and stories like that come very easy as ideas just pop into my head. For me The Sissy Baby Maker was a struggle to write and barely had any ideas popping into my head. Given recent work on non-abdl stories and other work I feel reinspired to finish it off. I have a few ideas for it. Unsure of when I’ll be able to work on it, but I’ll just chip away at it one bit at a time.
I’ll definitely consider your idea though. 🙂