Reading Time: 16 minutes

Table of Contents

Author Notes

Note 1: If you enjoy this story, please let me know! 🙂


The courts have sentenced you to 2 years of The Diaper Academy. It was known that this place was good for preventing reoffending, mainly because you come out a massive baby. You are to be retrained by the magical teachers, you will be taught how to use your diapers, how to crawl, how to use a pacifier and how to be a good baby. You will be humiliated.

Chapter 1: Trembling, Shuddering, Shaking

The words reverberated through the courtroom, bouncing off the cold, hard walls and echoing in my ears. “I hereby charge Harry Karlisle as guilty to stealing from an elderly woman, and I sentence Harry Karlisle to two years of The Diaper Academy for this disgusting act!” The judge’s voice, usually a calm, measured drone, had a sharp edge to it now, laced with a barely concealed disgust that mirrored the feelings in the packed courtroom. My stomach twisted, a knot of dread forming in its depths as the weight of his words crashed down on me. Two years. The Diaper Academy. The mere mention of the institution sent shivers down my spine, conjuring images of humiliating punishments, forced labor, and the ever-present stench of despair. This wasn’t just a prison sentence, it was a cruel and humiliating brand, a mark of shame that would follow me for the rest of my life.

The officer, a grim-faced man with a badge that seemed to mock my current predicament, clicked the handcuffs around my wrists. The cold metal felt like a physical manifestation of the fear that was now gripping me. He ushered me through the heavy doors of the courtroom and down a sterile corridor, each step carrying me further away from my life, my future, my freedom.

The processing unit was a hive of activity, a blur of hurried movement and hushed whispers. I was stripped of my possessions, searched, questioned, and prodded, my every movement a stark reminder of my status as a prisoner. They took my fingerprints, my DNA, and a detailed medical history, each piece of information adding to the growing mountain of evidence that I was no longer a free man, but a prisoner, a convict, a criminal.

Finally, I was led to a cell. The stark, concrete walls were cold to the touch and the air felt heavy with the weight of despair that seemed to cling to every corner. A thin, scratchy blanket lay on the rough concrete floor, offering a meager respite from the cold marble beneath it. I collapsed onto the mat, the hard surface offering little comfort. Sleep wouldn’t come, not with the weight of my sentence pressing down on me, not with the grim future stretching before me. I was a prisoner of my own mistakes, and the future was a dark and unforgiving place. The Diaper Academy. Just the thought of it was enough to make me tremble. This was my new reality. And I was utterly, hopelessly, and completely alone.

The harsh, fluorescent light of the transport bus pierced my eyelids, rousing me from a fitful sleep. A dull ache pulsed in my head, a reminder of the cold, hard floor of the holding cell. the sputtering of an engine and the vibrations of the floor told him everything he needed to know, he was on a transport bus. My hands were still shackled, the cold metal a constant reminder of my predicament. I was surrounded by other prisoners, each a living embodiment of the justice system’s ruthlessness. Their faces were etched with resignation, their eyes hollowed out by years of confinement, their bodies bearing the physical and emotional scars of their incarceration.

I tried to rationalize my situation. “I shouldn’t have stolen from that old lady,” I muttered to myself, the words tasting bitter on my tongue. But the cold reality of my situation, the harsh, unforgiving world of justice, pressed down on me with relentless force. I was a criminal, a thief, a failure. My life, my freedom, my future, were all gone. I had succumbed to my worst instincts, and now I was paying the price.

The bus rumbled to a stop, the sudden halt jolting me out of my thoughts. A pungent odor, a sickly sweet mixture of stale air and something vaguely chemical, filled the air. A wave of dizziness washed over me as I realized the bus was releasing gas, the smell of leaking chemicals filling the confined space. My vision blurred, the world around me dissolving into a chaotic swirl of colors and shapes. Then, darkness consumed me.

When I woke, I was staring into the cold, unforgiving eyes of a man who was not simply a warden, but the embodiment of everything The Diaper Academy represented: a figure of authority, a dispenser of punishment, a cold, calculating embodiment of the law. His gaze held me captive, his presence imposing, his face an unreadable mask. He was the first face of my new reality, the harbinger of my future.

The warden’s voice, a low, gravelly rumble, shattered the silence. “Welcome to The Diaper Academy, Harry Karlisle. I am Warden Grimley, and you’ll be spending the next two years under my watchful eye.” He paused, his gaze piercing, as if trying to gauge my reaction. “You’ve been found guilty of a heinous crime, a vile act that stains the very fabric of society. Now, you’ll learn the true meaning of justice.” The man’s words were laced with a cold, unyielding determination, leaving no room for doubt or appeal. He was the warden, the enforcer, the judge and jury all rolled into one, and there was no escaping his judgment. He had pronounced his sentence, and I was at his mercy.

Grimley’s gaze swept over me, taking in my slumped posture, my defeated expression. He leaned in, his presence imposing, his words a cold, calculating whisper. “This place will break you, Harry. It will strip you of your pride, your dignity, your very identity. You will learn to obey, to serve, to suffer. And when your two years are up, you’ll leave a changed man. Or, you’ll leave a broken one.” The warden’s words were chilling, a grim premonition of the horrors that awaited me. The Diaper Academy. It was a prison, a torture chamber, a crucible where the weak were broken and the strong were forged anew. The warden’s words echoed in my mind, a sinister chorus, a foreboding soundtrack to my future.

Warden Grimley’s gaze held me captive, his presence a tangible weight bearing down on me. “Now, Harry,” he said, his voice taking on a tone of detached clinical interest. “Here at The Diaper Academy, we believe in rehabilitation. We believe in teaching you the true meaning of discipline, the true meaning of consequence. We believe in bringing you back to your most primal state, back to the foundation of your being.”

He gestured towards a table laden with an array of strange and unsettling devices. “You’ll be wearing diapers, Harry. Plenty of diapers. We’ll start with the basics, the standard diaper. But we’ll be introducing some enhanced models, designed to bring you closer to the essence of your humiliation.”

He picked up a small, cylindrical device, its surface studded with tiny, needle-like protrusions. “This little beauty is our ‘Crawling Enhancer.’ It’ll be attached to your back, stimulating your nerves, making you unable to walk and only able to crawl. And, of course, it’ll be synced to our ‘Diaper Monitoring System,’ a network of sensors embedded in your diapers. You’ll be tracked, Harry. Every movement, every fumble, every mess, will be recorded and analyzed. You’ll learn to be a model inmate, a perfect little diaper baby.”

He picked up another device, this one resembling a small, metal chastity cage, its surface dotted with various buttons and dials. “And this, Harry, is our ‘Chastity Enhancer.’ It’ll be fitted to your…well, let’s just say it’ll be fitted to your ‘sensitive areas.’ This device is equipped with a subtle electric current. It’ll be connected to our ‘Diaper Management System,’ which will monitor your bodily functions. Need to pee? It’ll send a little jolt, a reminder to you to do your business.” He leered, “Let’s call it a little ‘incentive.’”

“If you can’t pee, then it will punish you by sending an electric shock to your… sensitive areas”

Grimley picked up a final device, a cylindrical object with a series of intricate gears and levers. “And this is our ‘Tunnel Plug.’ Designed specifically for…well, let’s just say for ‘your needs.’ It will be inserted… oh, how shall we say it… It’ll be inserted into your… ‘you-know-what.’ And it’ll have its own little surprise. A slight pressure, a little vibration, a subtle stimulation, all synced with our ‘Diaper Monitoring System.’ You’ll learn to release your bowels, Harry. You’ll learn to let go. You’ll learn to be a perfect diaper baby.”

Grimley’s words echoed in my mind, a cruel symphony of humiliation and pain. The Diaper Academy. It wasn’t a prison, it wasn’t a rehabilitation center, it was a twisted, sadistic laboratory, a place designed to break me, to mould me, to transform me into their ideal subject: a diaper-wearing, crawling, obedient little baby. And I was trapped.

Chapter 2: Applying Apparatuses

The warden’s cold, calculating gaze never left me. “Let’s get you fitted up, Harry,” he said, his voice dripping with a chilling satisfaction. He gestured to two burly guards who moved with an unnerving efficiency, their faces etched with a cruel indifference. “Take him to the fitting room. Make sure he’s ready for his first diaper.”

I tried to resist, to fight back, but the fear, the dread, the overwhelming sense of despair, paralyzed me. My body was a leaden weight, my will a flickering candle in a raging storm. “No,” I croaked, my voice a strangled whisper. “Please, no.”

The guards grabbed my arms, their grip iron-like. I struggled, but it was useless. They were too strong. I could feel the terror rising in my chest, choking me, suffocating me. The room spun, the warden’s words a buzzing drone in my ears.

“Hold still, Harry,” the warden said, his voice laced with an ominous calm. “Hold still, or else.” And then, he did something unexpected. He raised his hand, a dark energy swirling around it. A wave of paralyzing force washed over me, pinning me to the spot. My limbs felt heavy, my muscles unresponsive. I was trapped, frozen, helpless. They immediately put a pacifier gag in my mouth that was for some reason shaped like a 3inch penis.

Then the guards wasted no time. They stripped me, their movements precise, efficient. The Crawling Enhancer, a cold, metallic contraption, was strapped to my back. The Chastity Enhancer, with its intricate web of wires and dials, was fitted to my privates. I felt a faint tingle, a subtle electric current coursing through me, a reminder of the warden’s control. The Tunnel Plug, a cold, hard object, was inserted, its pressure a strange, unsettling sensation.

I felt violated, humiliated, my body a vessel for their twisted experiment. The warden watched, his face a mask of satisfaction. “There.” He said.

“Now, let’s see how you look in a diaper.” His lips curled into a cruel smile as he gestured towards a nearby shelf overflowing with diapers. “We have a whole selection for you, Harry. All sizes, all styles. We even have some special ones that are designed to give you a little extra…encouragement.”

The guards, their movements as smooth and precise as a well-oiled machine, led me to a padded changing table. They lifted me and then lowered me onto it gently, their hands hovering over me, ready to restrain me should I try to resist.

One of the guards, a hulking brute with a face that could curdle milk, selected a diaper from the shelf. It was a thick, bulky diaper, designed for maximum absorbency. It was decorated with cartoon animals, a grotesque mockery of innocence. The guard began to unwrap it, his movements deliberate, almost ceremonial.

“You’re going to be a real diaper baby, Harry,” the warden chuckled, his voice a cruel melody. “And we’re going to make sure you know it.” He watched, his eyes glinting with anticipation, as the guard lifted the diaper and held it up, a grotesque, oversized garment, a symbol of my degradation.

I stared at the diaper, its bright colors and cartoon animals mocking me.

“Now, let’s get you dressed, Harry,” the warden said, his voice laced with a sadistic pleasure. He gestured to the guard who was holding the diaper. “Get to work.”

The guard, his movements precise and efficient, began to diaper me. He pulled my legs up, securing the diaper under my bottom and then lifting the front before the sides were taped around my waist, the soft fabric feeling strangely alien against my skin. He adjusted the tabs, making sure it was snug, a tight, restricting band around my middle. The diaper felt bulky, uncomfortable, a foreign object against my skin, a constant reminder of my new reality.

“There you go, Harry,” the warden said, his voice filled with a chilling satisfaction. “You’re looking good. A real diaper baby.” He chuckled, a dry, rasping sound, his pleasure palpable. “Now, let’s get you ready for your first lesson.”

“Wait a minute,” a gruff voice interrupted, snapping me out of my shame-fuelled daze. A guard, a burly man with a face as hard as granite, was staring down at me, his brow furrowed in a deep frown. “We forgot something.”

He reached into his pocket and pulled out a pair of bright pink, plastic panties. They were a shockingly garish color, a stark contrast to the clinical white of the room. “These are our ‘Diaper Security Panties,'” he explained, his voice gruff but surprisingly matter-of-fact. “They’re designed to prevent… well, let’s just say they’re designed to prevent you from getting any ideas about removing your diaper. Especially once the ‘Tunnel Plug’ starts to do its work.”

The warden chuckled, a dry, rasping sound that echoed through the room. “You’ll learn to appreciate those little panties, Harry. They’ll be your new best friend. They’ll keep you safe and sound from leaks, ready to receive your ‘special deliveries.'”

I felt a wave of panic rise in my chest. I could already feel the shame, the humiliation, the complete and utter control that these new clothes were meant to impose.

The guard, his movements quick and efficient, began to pull on the plastic panties. They were a tight fit, the plastic feeling cold and restrictive against my skin. As he pulled them up, I could feel the pressure on my legs, a sense of confinement, of imprisonment. He reached around to the back, and with a click, the clasp snapped shut, securing the panties around me. I was trapped in my diaper.

The warden watched, his eyes glittering with a cruel amusement. “There you go, Harry. All ready for your first lesson.” He paused, his voice a low, menacing rumble. “Now, let’s see how you handle the ‘Tunnel Plug.’ It’s designed to be…well, let’s just say it’s designed to be a little…‘persuasive.’ And if you don’t cooperate, well, let’s just say it might start to send you a few little ‘reminders.’”

Warden Grimley’s gaze swept over me, a cruel amusement dancing in his eyes. “Now, Harry, let’s get down to business. Your first lesson is all about obedience. About submission.” He gestured towards a small, metal contraption, its surface covered in dials and buttons. “This is our ‘Crawling Enhancer Control Panel,’ Harry. And it’s connected directly to your ‘Crawling Enhancer,’ the little device we so kindly strapped to your back.”

He pressed a button, and a low hum filled the room. I could feel a tingling sensation spreading through my body, a strange, almost primal urge to move, to crawl. “It’s stimulating your nerves, Harry. Waking up those primitive instincts. The urge to move, to explore, to crawl.”

He leaned closer, his voice a low, menacing whisper. “Now, this panel is equipped with a variety of settings. We can adjust the intensity, the frequency, the type of stimulation. And if you don’t obey, well, let’s just say the consequences won’t be pleasant. You’ll be crawling, Harry, whether you like it or not.”

He pressed another button, and the tingling sensation intensified. I felt my legs move, my body responding to the stimulation. I was crawling, my limbs moving involuntarily, a puppet controlled by the warden’s whims. My face flushed, my breath ragged, a wave of shame and humiliation washing over me.

“Good boy, Harry,” the warden said, his voice laced with a chilling pleasure. “You’re learning fast. Now, let’s see if you can follow instructions.” He pointed to a wall-mounted mirror. “Crawl over there, Harry. And make sure you keep your eyes on the mirror. Look at yourself. See how pathetic you look. See how much you’ve been reduced to.”

I crawled, my movements clumsy, my face burning with shame, my diaper and pink plastic panties crinkling. I looked at my reflection in the mirror. A diaper baby. Crawling on my hands and knees. Pacifier, with a penis shaped teat, in my mouth.

Chapter 3: The Pleasure & Shame Combination

The warden’s voice echoed through the room, a cruel symphony of my impending humiliation. “Now, Harry, let’s see how you handle feeding time.” He gestured towards a towering, wooden contraption, an adult-sized highchair, its seat padded with a thick, white cushion. A large, plastic bib, emblazoned with a cartoon image of a grinning baby, was already on the tray, waiting for its intended recipient, me.

I could feel the familiar tingle of the Crawling Enhancer, the urge to move, to crawl, to escape this sadistic place. But the warden’s magic, a heavy weight pressing down on me, kept me rooted in place.

Two guards, their faces etched with the same cruel indifference, guided me towards the highchair. They lifted me up and lowered me into the seat, the thick, soft cushion offering little comfort. The bib, a symbol of childhood innocence, felt like a suffocating noose around my neck, a tangible reminder of my debasement.

“It’s time for your milk, Harry,” the warden said, his voice dripping with a sickening sweetness. He held up a large, clear bottle filled with a milky, white liquid. “We’ve got some specially formulated milk for you. It’s packed with nutrients, designed to help you grow strong and healthy. Just like a real baby. It also may contain laxatives and water pills, but that’s not important.”

He loosened the penis pacifier gag, it dangled around my neck like a medal. “You’ll be needing that, Harry,” the warden chuckled. “You’ll be getting a lot of milk, and you’ll need to be able to manage your… well, let’s just say you’ll need to be able to manage your… uh… ‘business.'”

He then brought the bottle to my lips, the plastic nipple feeling strangely alien against my mouth. The milk tasted strange, a strange, synthetic blend, a far cry from the familiar taste of real milk. I tried to resist, to push the bottle away, but the warden’s magic, a heavy, invisible force, held me captive. I was forced to drink, to swallow, to submit to this new, degrading diet.

“Now, for your snack,” the warden said, his voice a cruel whisper. He produced a small, plastic container filled with a mushy, beige substance. “It’s baby food, Harry. All organic, all natural. Good for you. Good for your tummy.”

He scooped a spoonful of the mushy food and brought it to my mouth, the texture strangely unappealing, the taste even worse. I gagged, but the warden, with a cruel twist of his wrist, forced the food into my mouth. I swallowed helplessly, the taste lingering on my tongue, a bitter reminder of my powerlessness. Eventually, I had managed to eat it all.

“Good boy, Harry,” the warden said, his voice laced with a chilling satisfaction. “You’re learning fast. You’re becoming a real diaper baby.”

“It’s all so… humiliating,” I whispered, my voice choked with shame and despair. “This is not who I am.”

The warden chuckled, a harsh, grating sound. “Oh, it gets worse, Harry. Much worse. You’ll be a real diaper baby before too long. You’ll be crawling, pooping, peeing, all in your diaper. You’ll be completely dependent on us, just like a real baby.”

I closed my eyes, tears welling up in my eyes. “Please, stop this,” I begged. “I’ll do anything. Just let me go.”

The warden leaned closer, his voice a low, menacing rumble. “There’s no escape, Harry. You’re ours now. You’re a diaper baby, and you’ll be a diaper baby for the rest of your time here.”

He stood up, his back stiff, his gaze unwavering. “Now, let’s get your preparation lesson finished up.”

The warden’s voice, a cold, clinical tone, snapped me out of my despair. “Actually, first, let’s get you back into your proper position.” He gestured to the guards, their faces devoid of any sympathy or remorse.

The guards, with an efficiency that bordered on brutality, grabbed my arms and lifted me out of the high chair. I felt the indignity, the humiliation, the sense of being completely and utterly helpless. My body, once strong and defiant, now felt weak and compliant.

The warden, with a wicked glint in his eye, reached out and pulled the penis pacifier gag up to my mouth. The guards held my head steady, and he tightened the strap around the back of my head, securing the device firmly in place.

I felt a pang of panic rise in my chest. It was a constricting device, a gag, a symbol of my forced silence, my powerlessness. The warden chuckled, a harsh, grating sound. “There you go, Harry. All ready for the end of your preparation lesson.”

He gestured to the guards, and they began to lead me through the Diaper Academy, my feet not touching the floor. I was forced to crawl, the Crawling Enhancer urging me forward, its stimulation a constant reminder of my helplessness. My diaper crinkled with each movement, a sound that echoed through the sterile halls of the academy.

We reached a room at the end of the hall, a room starkly different from the others. It was dark, the walls covered in a thick, dark material that absorbed the light coming from a bulb in the centre of the room. In the centre of the room, a large, wooden crib, built for a giant, stood imposingly.

The guards approached the crib, their movements swift and precise. They lifted me up, placed me gently into the crib, and then began to secure me in place. They strapped me down, my wrists and ankles bound tightly to the mattress, my body a prisoner within the confines of the crib.

I struggled, I kicked, I screamed, but my efforts were futile. The restraints held me down securely. The pacifier muffled my screams effortlessly. I was trapped in this stupid crib.

The warden leaned down to me, his gaze a cold, calculating assessment. “There you are, Harry. You’ve reached the end of the preparation lesson.” He chuckled, a dry, rasping sound, his pleasure palpable. “It’s going to be a long journey, Harry. A journey that will take you back to your most primal state. You’re going to learn the true meaning of obedience. The true meaning of discipline. And the true meaning of being a diaper baby.” With that the guards and the warden left the room, a lock at the door being heard seconds after.

Then, a sudden jolt, a searing electric current, shot through my body. It wasn’t the tingling sensation of the Crawling Enhancer, it was something more intense. The Tunnel Plug, nestled in my rear, pulsed with an electrifying charge. The Chastity Enhancer, secured to my genitals, hummed with a similar, but separate, current. I felt a desperate urge to relieve myself, a primal need to expel the contents of my bowels and bladder.

And then, I felt it. A warm, wet sensation, a release of tension, the unmistakable feeling of my bladder emptying, an unfamiliar warmth soaking the diaper on me. Almost immediately, the sensation shifted, a warm, viscous feeling spreading through my diaper, the inevitable consequence of the Tunnel Plug’s shocking stimulation. I had messed my diaper, a thick, pungent odor filling the room.

The shocks stopped, replaced by a gentle, pulsating vibration. The Chastity Enhancer, now throbbing with a pleasant rhythm, sent waves of pleasure pulsing through my body. The Tunnel Plug, its pressure now a gentle, soothing sensation, began to vibrate, adding to the intense pleasure that was building within me.

I felt a wave of intense sensation, a build-up of pressure, a desperate need to release. I reached an orgasm, an overwhelming wave of pleasure that washed over me, a sensation so intense, so powerful, that it was impossible to control. It was the most intense pleasure I had ever felt, so intense it almost made me pass out. I suckled on the penis pacifier helplessly as I climaxed, cum squirted through the chastity cage, dripping into the very soiled diaper.

Immediately, shame washed over me as I realized the full extent of my humiliation. I had orgasmed into a diaper soiled with my urine and feces while I sucked on a penis shaped pacifier. The shame was overwhelming, the post-nut clarity hit harder than anything.

But then, the pleasure, the afterglow, began to take over. The vibrations of the Chastity Enhancer and the Tunnel Plug continued, a gentle, pulsating rhythm that sent waves of pleasure through my body. I lay there, restrained in the crib, my body exhausted, my mind a whirlwind of shame and pleasure. I had been humiliated, but I had also experienced an incredible pleasure, a pleasure that I had never known before.

My eyelids began to flutter, the exhaustion from the intense experience, the shame, the pleasure, all beginning to take their toll. The vibration of the devices, though still pleasurable, was becoming a soothing, almost hypnotic, sensation dizzying me into a slumber. The darkness of the room, the cold, hard mattress, the soft, warm, damp sensation of the diaper against my skin, it all began to lull me into a peaceful, almost blissful, state.

And then, I drifted off to sleep, my diaper filled with my cum, piss and sh*t, my mouth involuntarily sucking on the penis pacifier.

The End.

This story is finished, I definitely went a bit too fast on this story as I wanted it to be longer, in the future I may do more complex and longer version of it, but without the extreme use of machinery and just plain pleasure and pain training.