Reading Time: 9 minutes

Table of Contents


He reached for the door handle, his fingers trembling. But before he could touch it, a metallic blur erupted from the shadows. Robotic arms, gleaming in the dim light, shot out, their sharp pincers clamping down on Mark’s limbs. He cried out in alarm, struggling to break free, but the grip was relentless.

He was yanked forward, dragged through the doorway, and plunged into the darkness beyond.

Chapter 1: The Shack in The Woods

Rachel, I’m not having this conversation again!” Mark slammed the door behind him, the echo of his own fury chasing him down the street. His chest tightened with each step, her words like poison seeping into his veins. She had a knack for resurrecting old battles, twisting them into narratives where he was the villain. He needed escape, a sanctuary where her accusations couldn’t reach him.

His feet carried him instinctively to the edge of town, to the overgrown orchard that had become a haven for lost souls like himself. Once a meticulously tended expanse of fruit trees, it had fallen into wild disarray since the farmer’s mysterious disappearance years ago. Now, tangled branches and overgrown weeds created a labyrinth of shadows and secrets.

As he followed the familiar trail, a narrow path he’d never noticed before snaked off into the undergrowth. A flicker of curiosity ignited within him. What mysteries lay hidden beyond the familiar? He hesitated for a moment, then, as if pulled by an invisible thread, he veered onto the uncharted path.

The trail twisted and turned, each step deepening the silence around him. Suddenly, through a break in the foliage, he glimpsed a structure – a ramshackle shack, its weathered boards warped and worn, ivy vines decorated it like a Christmas present. A shiver ran down his spine, a strange mix of unease and anticipation. Quickening his pace, he approached the dwelling, his voice echoing in the stillness, “Hello? Anyone there?” Mark didn’t hear anyone. So he decided to explore it.

He reached for the door handle, his fingers trembling. But before he could touch it, a metallic blur erupted from the shadows. Robotic arms, gleaming in the dim light, shot out, their sharp pincers clamping down on Mark’s limbs. He cried out in alarm, struggling to break free, but the grip was relentless.

He was yanked forward, dragged through the doorway, and plunged into the darkness beyond.

Chapter 2: The Sissy Baby Maker Machine

Mark’s scream echoed down the metal shaft as he was yanked into the gaping maw of the shack’s floor. The air around him was stale and metallic, the only light a dim glow emanating from the depths below. The mechanical arms that had seized him began their chilling work, peeling away his clothes with unnerving efficiency.

By the time he reached the bottom, his naked skin scraped against a cold, rubbery conveyor belt, his wrists instantly shackled to its unyielding surface. The world around him was a dizzying array of whirring machinery, flashing lights, and ominous shadows. Panic surged through him as he bellowed for help. “This is a mistake! I don’t belong here!”

But his cries were swallowed by the relentless hum of the machine. The conveyor lurched forward, carrying him deeper into this technological nightmare. His eyes darted ahead, desperate for any clue as to his fate. Abruptly, the belt halted, and a pair of mechanical clamps seized his ankles, lifting his legs up. A puff of cool air, the smell of baby powder and the whisper of a soft brush against his nether regions and behind preceded a chilling realization: he was being powdered like an infant.

Terror clawed at his throat as a cushioned embrace enveloped his backside, his legs immobilized as the front of the conveyor lifted, exposing him to whatever indignity awaited. His mind recoiled from the truth as the machine, with chilling precision, secured a diaper around his hips. “No, stop!” he pleaded, but his protests were lost as the clamps on his legs were released the conveyor belt clunked along moving Mark forward.

Mark bucked against the restraints, his face flushing as he felt the thick diaper constricting his movement. The machine’s sudden silence amplified his dread. What fresh humiliation awaited him? A blinding spotlight snapped on, casting harsh shadows across the cold metal surfaces. The mechanical arms, with unwavering precision, hauled him to his feet, his body held rigid in their grasp. Then, with a whirring sound that grated against his nerves, the machine produced a pair of pink panties, their Hello Kitty print and diminutive bow a grotesque mockery of innocence. It forced them up his legs, over the bulky diaper, each movement a violation against his will as his masculinity was insulted.

A piercing red beam lanced out, tracing the contours of his body from ankles to neck. The heat was intense, searing through his clothes, singeing every hair follicle in its path. Mark watched in horror as the laser meticulously eradicated every trace of body hair, leaving his skin as smooth and bare as a newborn’s. The acrid scent of burnt hair filled the air, mingling with the machine’s metallic odour, a noxious cocktail that made his stomach churn. He was utterly exposed, vulnerable, and stripped of yet another layer of his identity. At least he still had his head hair, Mark thought to himself.

With a whirring sound, the machine extended a mechanical arm, presenting a pastel pink Hello Kitty t-shirt. One by one, it released Mark’s wrists from their shackles, guiding his arms into the sleeves before snapping the cuffs shut once more. Next came a denim skort—a cruel mockery of femininity that barely covered his diapered and pantied bottom. Finally, the machine produced a pair of thigh-high pink socks, meticulously pulling them up his smooth, hairless legs. With each garment, Mark felt another piece of his masculinity stripped away, replaced by an unsettling, unfamiliar identity.

Chapter 3: The Sissy Baby Machine Training

Suddenly the machine bent him over and locked his legs and arms to keep him in that position before its cold, metallic arms delivered sharp, stinging slaps to his pantied and diapered bottom. Each strike sent waves of pain and humiliation through Mark’s body, his cries of agony soon muffled by a pacifier gag that was forced into his mouth. Tears streamed down his cheeks as he begged for mercy, his pleas lost in the mechanical whirring of the machine and the childish pacifier.

The spanking continued relentlessly, reddening his tender skin and leaving him feeling utterly exposed and vulnerable. The humiliating combination of being spanked, pantied, and diapered pushed Mark to his breaking point, the overwhelming mix of pain, humiliation and shame filling his mind and now four red cheeks.

As the machine finally paused, Mark’s chest heaved with ragged breaths, his eyes wide with a mixture of tears, fear and defeat. The realization of his helplessness doubled, leaving him trembling, subservient and broken before the machine’s cruel whims.

The machine led him back down and continued its relentless march down the conveyor belt, Mark’s heart pounded in his chest, his mind reeling with fear and his bottom sore. The rubber beneath him sent shivers down his spine as he was carried further into the depths of the unknown.

The conveyor belt hummed with a sinister rhythm, each passing moment filled with dread as Mark’s fate remained a dark and twisted mystery. The machine seemed to revel in his distress, its mechanical arms ready to enact whatever cruel punishment it had in store for him.

With each passing second, Mark’s anxiety grew, his breath coming in short, panicked gasps. The machine’s ominous presence loomed over him, a silent and menacing force guiding him towards an uncertain future.

The machine came to a sudden halt, and a sense of dread washed over Mark as he knew something else was about to happen. With a mechanical precision that sent chills down his spine, the machine took the pacifier gag out of his mouth and then inserted a dildo into his mouth, forcing it in and out with a relentless rhythm. Deepthroating him. He felt every bit of it’s girth in his mouth and sometimes his throat. Mark’s muffled protests were drowned out by the intrusion, his humiliation reaching new depths.

As if that wasn’t enough, the machine then cruelly pulled aside Mark’s diaper and panties, exposing his boyhole to its unfeeling touch. Another dildo was forced into his tight hole, stretching him beyond his limits as he squirmed and whimpered in discomfort as it was sent in and out hitting his prostate with immeasurable accuracy.

But the machine wasn’t done with him yet. While the dildos violated his mouth and ass, it began to rub his cock through the layers of his panties and diapers, sending shocking jolts of pleasure through Mark’s body. The conflicting sensations of pain and pleasure overwhelmed him, pushing him closer and closer to the edge.

Unable to resist the relentless stimulation, Mark’s body betrayed him, succumbing to the cruel manipulation of the machine. With a primal groan, he climaxed into his diaper, the ultimate act of degradation as he was filled from both ends, his body trembling with a mixture of shame and perverse pleasure as he filled his diaper with cum.

However, the machine seemed relentless in its pursuit of Mark’s degradation, pushing him beyond his limits and into a realm of twisted pleasure. It continued to jerk him off through his diapers and panties, the sensation of being double-penetrated by the dildos intensified, overwhelming his senses with a mix of pain and perverse pleasure.

Mark’s body betrayed him once again, succumbing to the overwhelming stimulation as he reached the praecipe of ecstasy. However, this time, the machine stopped jerking him off, leaving him to climax solely from the intense fucking of his holes.

As he lay there, spent and humiliated, with his diapers and panties pulled aside like many of the girls he used to fuck, Mark couldn’t escape the overwhelming feeling of degradation that washed over him. The machine had succeeded, Mark creamed into his diapers once again from only having both of his holes violated by giant dildos.

Mark’s mind raced with a whirlwind of conflicting emotions—shame, pleasure, arousal, confusion—all swirling together in a tumultuous mix of sensations that left him feeling raw and exposed. The realization that he had just climaxed into his diapers twice in a row, from being fucked while dressed in girly clothing and a diaper, struck him with a wave of humiliation that threatened to consume him entirely.

The machine had succeeded in its twisted agenda, leaving Mark utterly broken and unsure of how to reconcile the conflicting desires and sensations that now plagued his mind. He lay there, his body trembling with the aftershocks of his climax.

As the dildos slowly withdrew from Mark’s violated holes, leaving him feeling empty and vulnerable, a sense of eerie stillness settled over the room. The only sound was the heavy breathing of Mark, his body trembling with a mix of arousal and fear as he lay there, completely restrained in his cum-filled diapers.

Just when Mark thought the ordeal was over, arms emerged from the darkness, their movements fluid and deliberate. They reached into his soiled diapers, sucking up his cum with a disturbing efficiency that sent shivers down his spine. The sensation of his own essence being extracted and manipulated without his consent filled him with a deep sense of violation and helplessness.

Before Mark could even process what was happening, the arms pumped all of his cum back into his hole, the cold liquid sending a shockwave of discomfort and humiliation through his body. As if that wasn’t enough, a vibrating butt plug was forcefully inserted into his ass, sealing in his own essence and sending waves of pulsating vibrations through his already sensitive and overwhelmed body.

Mark’s mind reeled with the intensity of the sensations, the conflicting mix of pleasure and shame swirling together in a maelstrom of emotions. The violation of having his own cum put into his hole, combined with the invasive presence of the vibrating plug keep all his cum inside of him, left him feeling exposed and utterly powerless in the face of the machine’s relentless assault on his body and mind.

As the vibrating plug hummed within him, sending electrifying waves of sensation through his core, Mark’s body involuntarily responded with a mix of arousal and discomfort. Trapped with a cummy hole, restrained and at the mercy of the mysterious arms and the insidious machine, Mark could do nothing but submit to the overwhelming tide of perverse pleasure and degradation that engulfed him.

Suddenly, he felt a sharp prick in his arm, Mark’s eyes widened in surprise as he realized he was being injected with something. The liquid surged through his veins, causing a strange sensation to wash over him. Before he knew what was happening, a sudden urge overcame him, and he felt his bladder betray him, the warmth of urine spreading through his diapers as he wet himself uncontrollably.

The combination of physical violation, the overwhelming shame of his actions, and the loss of control over his own bodily functions left Mark feeling utterly helpless and exposed. Trapped in his wet and cum-filled hole, his body shuddering with a mix of conflicting emotions, he knew that he was at the mercy of the machine’s cruel and twisted desires.

As the effects of the injection continued to course through his system, Mark couldn’t help but feel a sense of resignation washing over him. He was nothing more than a puppet to the machine’s whims, a plaything to be used and discarded at will. And as he lay there, soaked in his own filth, his hole filled with cum he couldn’t shake the creeping hopeless dread that this was only the beginning of his descent into a world of depravity and submission.


This will likely be discontinued as I’m not really getting much enjoyment from writing this one as I have with stories like William and The Magic Button & The Little Devil. I’ll continue it if people comment that they want more of it on my DeviantArt or on this page by registering and commenting below. However, I will draft and write a conclusive finalising chapter for this story, but I have other stories that might be more interesting and unique for me to write about.