Reading Time: 17 minutes

Table of Contents

Author’s Notes

This story is based on a few diaper captions I’ve read in the past and I’ve congregated the ideas of those captions into this story.


In this ABDL POV Diaper Story, you’re a 20-year-old who just won the lottery and you go out spending it, but realize that it’s no fun after a while. You’re looking for something more, something that gives you a sense of control. You stumble upon a hidden world of sissy diaper slavery, a world where men are turned into submissive, diapered toys. Intrigued, you dive into the deep web, searching for a way to buy your own sissy diaper slave. You find it, but they don’t want your money. They want you.

Chapter 1: Dollar Dollar Bills Y’all

The numbers burned into my retinas: 12, 18, 24, 26, 28, 54. I stared at the screen, my heart hammering against my ribs. I had won the goddamn lottery. Five hundred million dollars. I was a 20-year-old kid with more money than I could ever spend.

And spend it, I did. I was a whirlwind of reckless abandon, a hurricane of cash. I bought a private jet, because why not? I hopped continents like it was a game, shacking up with women from every corner of the globe. I made out with a few A-list celebs, bought a car that could probably outrun a goddamn cheetah, and even managed to get Andrew Tate to answer my question about his Bugatti’s paint job.

It was glorious.

Then, the thrill faded. The parties got stale, the women began to look the same, the cars lost their shine. I was drowning in my own wealth, a king without a kingdom. I wanted something to control, something real. I hit up a few of the people I’d met, those who’d tried to tell me what life was all about, but they just shrugged. “Go chase more women,” they’d say. “Buy another goddamn jet.”

One night, I was heading back from the gym, the world a hazy blur of excess, when my phone buzzed. It was a notification from VICE. “Criminal Underground: The Life of a Diaper Sissy Slave.”

I clicked on it. And my world was about to change.

This is not a genuine VICE article. The names within this article are madeup. This was made by MyDiaperStories.

As I scrolled down, seeing that girly boy in a dress and diaper, I couldn’t help but feel a strange stirring. It was more than just curiosity, more than just the morbid fascination of the article. It was something primal, something I couldn’t quite explain. My cock twitched, a primal urge waking up inside me.

I continued to read, my mind fixated on the image of that boy, the thought of controlling him, of owning him. The article’s final sentence, “It’s a chilling reminder of the darkest side of humanity,” didn’t even register. My thoughts were consumed by a single, perverse desire: I needed to get myself one. I needed one of these diaper sissy slaves.

Two million pounds was nothing to me. I’d spent more on a single bottle of champagne in Dubai. This was a chance to control something, to own something. Maybe it would fill the void, the emptiness I felt despite all the wealth and pleasure.

I shoved my phone into my pocket, my heart pounding. I didn’t even bother stopping for food. I sprinted home, my mind consumed by a single, twisted thought: I needed to get online. I needed to find my own diaper sissy slave.

Chapter 2: Deeping it

The front door slammed shut, a satisfying thud echoing in the empty house. I raced up the stairs, the creaking of the wooden steps a soundtrack to my desperate need. My fingers flew across the keyboard, the glow of the monitor illuminating my face, a mask of obsession. I had found the software, a digital key to the dark web of the internet. I connected to the proxy switcher, the feeling of being hidden, of being anonymous, thrilling. Then came the crash, the sickening realization that I was lost, a lone wanderer in a labyrinth of darkness. I knew nothing about the deep web.

I decided to look for a link on the clear web. The clear web was useless. A few .onion links, like breadcrumbs tossed on a deserted path. Totalwiki.onion – a name that sounded like a promise, a digital treasure map. I clicked, the screen flashing, the whir of the computer filling the silence. There it was, a sprawling catalogue, a digital marketplace of the forbidden. Drugs, escorts, weapons, hitmen, classified government documents, chat rooms, wikis… everything except what I craved. Nothing. No mention of sissy diaper slaves. Nothing.

I felt the frustration building, a tight band of despair constricting my chest. I clicked back, the cursor flashing, a beacon of hope. A search bar. My heart raced, I typed it into the search bar, the words burning into my mind: “sissy diaper slave.” My fingers trembled, my hopes riding on every loading pixel.

Nothing. Empty. My breath caught in my throat. It was like a slap in the face, a cruel reminder of my desperation.

But I wasn’t going to give up. I would find them. I had to. I opened a chat room, the usernames flickering, the words dancing across the screen.

“Hey there!” I typed, my voice cracking with a mixture of nervous excitement and desperation. “I’m new to this deep web thing. Does anyone have any links for sissy diaper slave deepweb sites? I saw an article in VICE, and I’ve been obsessed ever since.”

The responses were swift and brutal. “WTF, dude!” “As if some deep web newbie has enough money to buy something like that.”

My heart sank. I was just a newbie, a naive kid in a world of depravity. I was just a loser, trying to find something he couldn’t.

But then, a private message, a glimmer of hope. “TheWhoser” – a name that sounded like a whisper, a promise. I clicked, my fingers trembling, my breath catching in my throat. A single onion link, a portal to the forbidden.

I clicked. The screen flickered, and there it was, a title emblazoned across the screen: “Buy Your Personal Sissy Diaper Slave!”

I felt a rush, a surge of adrenaline, a sense of triumph. I had found it.

The “Buy Now” button was a siren song, a call to action. I clicked, a dizzying sense of excitement flooding my veins. The chatroom opened, the name “Admin” flashing in the corner of the screen.

“Send me $20,000 to let me know you’re a serious buyer,” the message read. “Send it to this bitcoin wallet. You have one hour. bc1qc4nrfxxm5txl0z2s326fhzgwg9t9gzzmwaff3j”

I grabbed my phone, my fingers flying across the screen. Opened Kraken. My heart pounded, my palms sweating. I bought the crypto, the transaction a blur. I snapped a picture of the bitcoin address. Opened the picture up and copied the address and I pasted it into Kraken, my thumb hovering over the “Send” button. Andddd, press.

“Sent,” I typed, my breathing trembling with anticipation. “What now?”

The notification appeared, a message from the Admin. “Very well. Let’s get to know each other. Tell me one embarrassing thing about you, and in exchange, I’ll tell you one embarrassing thing about me.”

My mind raced, a kaleidoscope of shame and humiliation. Then, it hit me. A memory from my childhood, a moment of crippling embarrassment.

“One time, when I was younger,” I typed, my cheeks burning with shame. “I was in math class. The teacher was divine, beautiful. I peed my pants in front of her, hoping she would help me clean up. But a male teacher came in, and he had to help me. It was the single most embarrassing moment of my life.”

I clicked send, my fingers trembling.

The response came almost immediately. “Wow, that’s tragic. My most embarrassing moment is when I got my hand stuck in my girlfriend’s vagina. We had to go to A&E, and they held the inside of her pussy open then pulled my hand out. At the same time, she ended up cumming all over me and the doctors, followed after this massive moan.”

I burst out laughing. What a sucker! He was probably making it up. But then, I couldn’t shake the feeling that it was true. His story was so detailed, so specific, that it felt real.

“Wow, I couldn’t even imagine such a scenario,” I replied, my fingers flying across the keyboard.

The response came back instantly. “Yeah, it sucked. I’m glad we’ve got to know each other. Now, I need your passport, your full name, and your address. I then need a photo of you completely naked. This is done to ensure that we have dirt on you if anything goes tits up.”

My stomach lurched. I was about to send this stranger a photo of myself completely naked, along with my personal details.

But then, I remembered the $20,000 I’d already sent. I couldn’t back out now.

I swallowed, my throat dry, and took off my clothes. I set a timer on my phone, the camera poised on the dresser. My heart pounded in my chest, my fingers trembling as I clicked the button. I stood there, naked and vulnerable, the camera flashing.

I ran to my phone. I sent the picture, followed by a photo of my passport and a text message with my name and address.

“Nice cock,” the Admin replied. “Right, now we’ve got that. You need to meet us at this address at 5 pm tomorrow.”

He sent me an address, a nondescript house near the town center.

“Thanks,” I typed, my hands trembling. “I’ll see you all there then.”

I got dressed, my body shaking, my mind racing. I was going to meet with these people, these strangers, and I had no idea what to expect. But I knew one thing: My life was about to change forever. I was about to enter a world of control. I looked at the time, 11pm and I fell asleep right there at the computer.

Chapter 3: The Facility

The next day, I woke up with a strange mixture of dread and excitement. My stomach churned with nerves, but I couldn’t shake the anticipation, the thrill of the unknown. I went through the motions, making breakfast, showering, brushing my teeth, each mundane task a reminder of the terrifying reality that awaited.

I had time to kill, so I sat at my computer, trying to distract myself with a game. But my mind kept returning to the messages, the images, the promise of what awaited.

The clock ticked by, each minute a torment. The house felt stifling, the walls closing in on me. Finally, it was 4:30 PM.

I grabbed my bag, my wallet, and a few other essentials. My personal driver was waiting outside, a stoic figure in a black suit. I got in, the air thick with the scent of leather and cigarettes. I said the location,

He drove, the silence broken only by the hum of the engine. The streets blurred into a kaleidoscope of color, but I didn’t look. My gaze was fixed on the dark window, a reflection of my own fear and uncertainty.

The driver pulled up to a house. It looked like any other house, nondescript, blending into the cityscape. He parked, then looked back at me. “Here sir,” he said, his voice a flat monotone.

I stepped out, my feet hitting the pavement. I looked around, scanning the street, it was surprisingly empty. My driver drove away.

My gaze fell on my watch, the time ticking by with agonizing slowness. Then, darkness. Someone had slipped a bag over my head. I struggled against it, my heart pounding in my chest. A car door slammed, followed by a flurry of footsteps.

“Get in the car,” someone barked. My legs felt like jelly. I stumbled into the car, the darkness suffocating, the smell of sweat and leather filling my nostrils.

“We have to have you covered like this so you can’t see our location,” a gruff voice said. “You can take it off when we arrive.”

The men began to chat about the news, their voices muffled, their words meaningless. I sat there, with a bag over my head, fear in my body.

Soon, they said we had arrived, and I took it off, we were in a massive warehouse. I got out the car and they led me through a series of doors.

We had arrived at a viewing window and inside the room through the window was something that I desperately wanted.

I looked at the adult man laying on the ground of the nursery suckling on a baby bottle, while wearing an pee-soaked diaper, a pink onesie with ruffles on the butt and blonde wig on his head.

“This is one of our recent works, he- well, she’s been here for 2 weeks with us and she’s fully trained. We’ve put her through various different hypnosis and training to ensure that she’s a proper sissy. She wears a chastity cage at all times to ensure she stays obedient, she can’t help wetting or messing her diaper, look at her she’s completely soaked and she listens to all of her daddy’s commands, she’ll suck his dick whenever he wants and she’ll get in position to be fucked.” He chuckles as we watch her squint and mess her diaper, the bottom of her diaper expanding.

“So uh.. how much will it cost?” I said, my voice a pathetic whisper, my gut twisting with a mix of fear and a desperate need to escape. “I want to get out of here as quick as I came.”

The man next to me laughed, a chilling sound that echoed in the viewing room. “Oh, you’re not buying. You’re going to be just like her, and you’re going to be sold,” he said, his voice dripping with malice.

The two men left, disappearing down the hallway, leaving me alone with the figure in the diaper. Suddenly, another man entered the room. He was huge, his muscles bulging beneath a tight t-shirt. He carried a diaper, a butt plug, and a chastity cage.

“Look, we can do this the easy way or the hard way,” he said, his voice a low growl, his eyes fixed on my crotch. “Come here and let me get your little stick in a cage, the plug in your butt, and the diaper wrapped around you. Or, I can spank you then you can get all that. The choice is yours.”

I felt my legs turn to jelly. My stomach churned, a mix of fear and a desperate longing for something I couldn’t even name. I turned, my feet dragging, trying to reach a door. I tried the door closest, locked. I started to circle the room I was going try every door. The next door, locked. The next door, locked.

“Get back here!” He barked as I tried another door, only to find it locked.

I looked at the last door, desperate for an escape. I ran around the man and tried the door. Locked. They were all locked as I came to this realisation, he caught me, his hands gripping my shoulders.

“No please!” I begged, my voice a strangled whisper. My body trembled, my heart hammering in my chest. He pulled my pants and underwear down, his hands rough and uncaring. My manhood, exposed and vulnerable, rested against his thighs as he sat down and pulled me over his lap. “Please no! Please don’t!” I begged, my voice broken.

Chapter 4: Spanked, Plugged, Caged & Diapered.

He held me down on his lap, my legs flailing as he further secured his grip. “You’re gonna learn to be a good boy,” he growled, his voice a low, gravelly rumble. “And you’re gonna learn to like it.”

His hand reached underneath me, he grabbed my cock, his hand rough and uncaring. “This little stick is gonna be your downfall,” he said, his voice dripping with malice. “It’s gonna be your shame, your punishment, and your pleasure.” I felt so uncomfortable, I couldn’t believe this man was touching my cock.

He then let go of my cock and began to spank me, his hand slapping my ass with a resounding smack. Each blow sent a jolt of pain through my body, the sting a reminder of my helplessness.

“Count them,” he said, his voice a harsh whisper. “Each time my hand hits your ass, you say the number otherwise you’ll get a much worse spanking,” he said, taking off his belt and throwing it on the ground so I could see it.

He then began spanking me again, his hands sending shockwaves of pain throughout my ass.

“One,” I whimpered, my voice barely a whisper.

“Two,” I choked out, my ass burning.

“Three,” I gasped, each spank sending waves of agony through my body.

He kept spanking me, a steady rhythm, his hand leaving red marks across my ass. “You’re a bad boy,” he said, his voice a harsh whisper. “And bad boys get punished.” He then lifted me up and slipped a metal ring over my balls and penis then quickly and efficiently slipped this small chastity cage over my manhood, the metal constricting my flesh. He then placed a lock onto it and it clicked, locking my manhood in the cage. I gasped, the sudden pressure causing a sharp pain.

“Now that you’re caged, you’re going to be a good girl,” he said, a cruel smile spreading across his face as he patted my caged cock. “You’re going to be Daddy’s little toy. Now, Daddy’s gonna give you a little surprise,” he said, reaching for the butt plug. “This is going to be your new best friend. It’s going to help you learn to behave. It’ll vibrate when you’ve been a good girl or shock you when you’ve been a naughty girl.”

He pushed the plug deep into my ass, the sensation painful and strange. “Oh, OW, that hurts!” I whimpered.

“Don’t you whimper like a little baby,” he said, a smirk playing on his lips. “You’re gonna get used to that, and soon, you’re gonna be begging for something bigger.”

“You’re gonna learn to love it,” he said, his eyes cold and calculating. “Now, we can get you diapered.” He then lay me on the ground, before getting out this pink diaper with princesses all over it. He spread it out on the floor next to me before he lifted me up, “Come on sissy, let’s get this pink little diaper on around your plugged backside!” He led my butt down on the diaper, the soft fabric a stark contrast to the cold metal cage around my cock. I started to squirm and fidget as he lathered baby powder on me and rubbed it around my crotch and on my ass.

“Stop fidgeting,” he said, slapping my thigh with a hard smack. “You’re going to be a good girl for Daddy, and good girls don’t move when they’re being diapered.”

It was fair to say, that slap hurt and it reminded me of my sore bottom that I had already been given. I stopped fidgeting as he lifted the front of the diaper over my chastised cock and then stuck all the tapes on to the front.

He then left me onto the floor for a second and rummaged through what look like a diaper bag, he grabbed a pink baby bottle filled with a milky liquid. “This’ll make things more interesting,” he said, a cruel smile spreading across his face.

He forced the bottle into my mouth, I tried to avoid it, but it was impossible. The taste salty and bitter. “Wha dis?” I asked, my voice barely a whisper as I talked through the nipple of the bottle.

He laughed, a cruel, mocking sound. “This is going to make you a real mess, baby,” he said. “It’s a special mix, just for you.”

“It’s a mix of men’s cum and water pills,” he explained. “It’ll make you wet yourself, just the way Daddy likes you.”

“Dis is diguting,” I said with a lisp due to the nipple of the bottle still being in my mouth. I began trying to take out the bottle. “I don wans o dwink dis!”

“You’re going to do what Daddy says,” he growled, his eyes cold and hard. “You’re going to be a good girl.” He slapped my thigh again, I stopped trying to resist and suckled on the bottle, scared that he’ll spank me again. I felt so embarrassed as I drank men’s cum from a stupid baby bottle.

I thought about how stupid I looked right now, wearing a pink princess diaper, suckling on a pink baby bottle, that was filled with other men’s semen. My ass probably covered in red hand prints from the spankings. I blushed at the thought.

Soon enough the bottle was empty, “Oh, god, I feel weird,” I complained, my lower abdomen aching. “It’s like, I need to pee, but nothing really wants to come out yet.”

“That’s a good thing, baby,” he said, his eyes glinting with amusement. “That means it’s working.”

He then pulled me over to the viewing window and pushed me to my knees. The figure in the diaper, the one I had seen earlier, stared back at me. He was a mess, his diaper stained with urine and excrement. He was a slave. And soon, I would be just like him.

“That’s you in two weeks,” he said, his voice cold and calculating. He pointed to the figure, his eyes full of a dark satisfaction.

A wave of shame washed over me. I remembered my fantasies, the ones where I controlled, where I humiliated. I wanted to be the one with the power. I wanted to be the one who forced others into this state of humiliation and dependence. But now, I was the one being controlled, the one being humiliated. My fantasy was gone, replaced by the reality of my own submission. I was no longer the one who controlled. I was the one being controlled. I didn’t want to drink cum. I didn’t want to be plugged or chastised. I didn’t want to wear diapers! I didn’t want any of this. I wanted to be the one in control, the one forcing others to submit.

While I looked at the man, now diaper sissy slave, I felt a tear run down my eye as my diaper began to grow warm and heavy uncontrollably with my urine. As that happened, I felt the butt plug vibrate in my ass directly against my prostate making me moan and squirm as I filled up my diaper.

I was a slave. And I was going to be a diaper sissy slave.

It was at this moment, while I came to my new realisation of reality, that I was turned around and my now supposed “daddy” was pulling down his pants.

“I’m going to enjoy this.” He said, as his underwear came next, his massive, veiny, rock hard cock popped out.

“Oh no…” I thought to myself.

“Get on your knees and start sucking, unless you want another spanking miss piddle pants.” He demanded as he pushed me closer to his massive cock.

Chapter 5: Training

“I didn’t want to do this… but I didn’t want another spanking either,” I thought, my stomach churning with a mix of fear and anticipation. “I’d rather be spanked than suck another man’s dick,” I muttered, but it was too late. He’d already pushed me to my knees, his massive cock throbbing against my lips.

“Come on, suck, don’t just leave it there!” he growled, his voice a mixture of annoyance and demand. He grabbed my hair, pulling my head back, then pushing it forward. “Keep doing that, you little slut.”

I felt a wave of nausea, the taste of his cum filling my mouth. I wanted to bite down, to rip it out of my mouth, to run away. But I was trapped, my body a prisoner of his desires.

“What if I bite it?” I thought, a flicker of defiance sparking in my mind. But then I remembered the consequences.”If I did that, who knows what the facility would do to me,” I thought, my fear overriding any sense of rebellion.

I resumed sucking his cock, my lips moving up and down his thick shaft, my mind struggling to focus on anything but his cock hitting the back of my throat. I could feel his whole shaft inside my mouth, the pulsating warmth a constant reminder of my humiliation.

A vibrator was tucked up my ass, its insistent rhythm adding another layer of intensity. I was squirming, my wet diaper clinging to my thighs. I tried to rub myself, my fingers reaching toward the front of the diaper, desperate for any kind of relief. But the chastity cage was doing its job. My cock was trapped, a throbbing prison of metal and shame. I still tried though, rubbing my diaper, just desperate to cum. This vibrator made me want to cum so badly, but kept me edged.

I continued to suck, trying to please him, to avoid any further punishment, my hand were moving still on my soggy diaper pushing the wet padding against my locked penis.

He started to record me on his phone, the camera focused on my face. “You look so cute when you suck Daddy’s cock and play with your diapered chastity cage,” he sneered. “Such a desperate little sissy. Pleasing Daddy at a moment’s notice. Trying to play with yourself. Trying to get that sweet cummy release. Such a silly sissy. You won’t be able to cum with that cage trapped around your little pee pee.”

My face flushed with shame. The thought of what I looked like was unbearable. A man, sucking another man’s cock while playing with himself in a wet diaper. It was the ultimate humiliation, the epitome of being a sissy.

“Focus on Daddy’s pleasure,” he growled, his voice a mixture of annoyance and demand. “Yours is irrelevant. Put your hands on Daddy’s cock as you suck him off!”

He grabbed my arms, forcing them up towards his cock. My hands clasped around his shaft, my fingers tracing the outline of his thick, throbbing member.

My body trembling with a mix of fear and arousal. I jerked him off as I sucked him, the feel of his cock against my lips, the throbbing in my ass, the tightness of the cage, the wet diaper on my butt, all merging into a strange, intoxicating cocktail of sensation.

I felt myself squirming in my diaper, the movement of the diaper against my skin a strange soft feeling. It was a disgusting, humiliating reminder of my predicament, the warm dampness a constant source of shame.

I felt a wave of pressure build in my bladder, the feeling so intense it almost eclipsed the sensation of his cock in my mouth. The diaper felt constricting, tight against my skin, making me wish I could escape this mess.

He thrust harder, the pressure intensifying. I could feel his cum building, the throbbing in his shaft an unmistakable sign of his impending release.

“S- s – sir, I…” I tried to speak, but he silenced me.

“Don’t talk, just keep sucking and jerking me off,” he commanded, his voice rough with pleasure. “You’re so good at this, baby. You’re making Daddy so happy.”

His eyes locked onto mine, his gaze a mixture of lust and control. My body trembled, my hands moving and mouth in a frantic rhythm as I continued to please him. I could feel the tension building in his cock, the heat of his arousal radiating through my hands.

I started to wet my diaper and then, he came. He exploded, a torrent of thick, hot cum filling my mouth. A hot flow of urine hitting my diaper and absorbing completely. I tried to spit the cum out, but he grabbed my chin, forcing me to swallow. “Swallow it, baby,” he commanded. “Good girls don’t waste Daddy’s cum.”

I blushed as I felt his hot sticky cum in my mouth go down my throat.

“Good girl,” he whispered, his voice a mixture of satisfaction and amusement. “You’re such a good little slut.”

He still had out his cock, he turned me around his hand reaching down to my pissy diapered ass.

“Now, you’re going to take Daddy’s cum,” he said, a cruel smile spreading across his face.

He reached for a tube of lube, “in your ass.” His strong masculine, tanned hand and fingers, reached around my body, and traced the outline of my trapped cock through the now soaked diaper.

“Don’t worry, baby,” he said, his voice a low purr. “This is going to be so good.”

I felt his cock hit the back of my diaper… his hands at the waistband as he slowly pushed it down.